What to Play in Daxu Ancient Town Daxu Ancient Town Travel Guide

Daxu Ancient Town was built in the Han Dynasty and has a history of nearly 2,000 years of civilization. There are many ancient buildings here, revealing a simple and natural style and cultural atmosphere. People can’t extricate themselves from the warm sunshine here. Below, I will share with you a travel guide to Daxu Ancient Town.

What to Play in Daxu Ancient Town Daxu Ancient Town Travel Guide

I have been in Guilin for about three months. The past time has flowed like water into the depths of memory, silently and silently. As the saying goes: The past is like this, it does not stop day and night. What a helplessness!

For the time that manpower cannot stop, besides helplessness, there is only open-mouthed exclamation. Because my temperament yearns for freedom, loves the distance and chases life like a deer, I long to travel all over the mountains and rivers, to read all the beautiful places, to be a free and easy, generous, open-minded, unrestrained person. Guilin’s mountains and rivers are well-known. People are afraid of fame, but the scenery is not, so tourists come in an endless stream and linger in the mountains and rivers of Guilin. At this time, it is the late autumn of November, the best time to see the golden ginkgo trees all over the ground. They are like broken gold, scattered all over the ground, yellow and bright, dazzling.

Guilin’s Lingchuan Ocean Township is a good place for tourists who come to Guilin to see ginkgo trees. On the way, you will pass the famous Daxu Ancient Town and ferry landing. For those who love beautiful scenery, it is a good choice to kill two birds with one stone. Because I went to Ocean Township once to see the beautiful ginkgo trees fall, and I also visited the old town of Daxu on the way, there are many emotions that are difficult to hide. I borrowed this article to express and vent, that’s all.

What to Play in Daxu Ancient Town Daxu Ancient Town Travel Guide

The car drove on the winding mountain road for about an hour, it wasn’t bumpy at all. It was all flat cement roads. Along the way, I often saw people who were more free than I was riding bicycles on the road, fully armed, enthusiastically driving forward.

When we reached Daxu Ancient Town, we had to pass through here to get to Lingchuan’s Ocean Township, so we had to choose to go back and appreciate the beauty of Daxu Ancient Town. After the car passed Daxu Ancient Town, my mood began to get excited. Some ginkgo trees planted by the side of the courtyards began to appear on both sides of the road. The leaves were already golden yellow, hanging on the trees one by one, and the golden yellow on the whole tree was like wearing armor, shining brightly, very beautiful.

I secretly thought to myself: A tree is so beautiful, what would a whole forest look like?

I couldn’t wait any longer, and I couldn’t sit still in my seat. It seemed that my heart and soul flew out of the window, flying towards the forest of ginkgo trees in Ocean Township, filled with all kinds of thoughts.

After another half an hour or so, the driver said: We’re almost there. Ocean Township is not far ahead. There’s a bit of a jam up front. You can get off and walk slowly, it’ll be faster than the car. When I heard this, I immediately jumped up from my seat and shouted: Master, let me off.

What to Play in Daxu Ancient Town Daxu Ancient Town Travel Guide

The master didn’t lie to me. I got off the car and walked slowly for about ten minutes, then I saw a large sign pointing the way to Ocean Township to see ginkgo trees. I followed the arrow on the sign and squeezed through the roads on both sides where vendors were selling fruits, snacks or special products. Then I climbed a small slope, crossed the crowds of tourists who, like me, were eager to see the ginkgo trees, and right in front of me was the entrance of the Ocean Township archway. Standing outside the archway and looking in, there was smoke rising from the depths of the mountains. Although there were many green plants in the mountains, the color that occupied my eyes the most was golden yellow.

That’s right, it was the golden yellow of ginkgo trees. Against the backdrop of the green trees in the mountains, the golden yellow appeared even more precious and rare, more intriguing and enjoyable.

If you are just a passerby, you would not have intended to take a closer look. But when you see it from afar, you can’t help but go in. Therefore, beauty is the most attractive thing. In this vast world, whether it is a person or a thing, as long as it is beautiful, it will be pursued by people.

What to Play in Daxu Ancient Town Daxu Ancient Town Travel Guide

The tall ginkgo trees have straight trunks that reach upwards. The branches stretch out in all directions. The leaves are all on the high branches, like pieces of gold inlaid. Looking up, the sky behind is azure, which makes the golden ginkgo trees even more dazzlingly beautiful and unparalleled.

The short ginkgo trees are about the same height as people. You can touch their leaves, but most of them haven’t turned yellow yet. The ones that haven’t turned yellow also have their own beauty. Most of the ones that haven’t turned yellow are planted around houses. The houses are very old, so the combination of the old and the young is very ingenious, making the houses look antique, while the ginkgo trees are even more vibrant.

In Ocean Township, the old courtyards are a must-see. They are scattered in an orderly manner, with unique layouts and arrangements. The potted plants and rockery flowers and plants planted under the skylights, the fish swimming in the pond, the corridors and the stone strips paved in the corridors, the stone benches and chairs placed outside the courtyard gates for drinking tea and resting are all so unique and peculiar.

I stood outside a courtyard and watched an old man. He sat alone outside and smiled at me. He was wearing a thick cotton coat and a felt hat, and in front of him was a pile of ginkgo nuts that he had knocked down from the ginkgo trees and was going to sell to tourists. There was a notice on the wall of his courtyard that said “Open to Visitors”. It turned out that he had already given himself and his ancient courtyard to the tourists. His food and clothing all came from tourists.

Later, I learned that many of the houses here have been inhabited for generations. Some are old houses left over from the Qing Dynasty. Now, most of them are guarded by old people, or they are locked up with a lock on the front door, and the people have disappeared.

The people who live here make a living by selling handicrafts to tourists or letting tourists visit their courtyards and eat.

They raise many chickens. If tourists who like to eat farm food stay for a meal, it will be another substantial income.

Standing in these antique and old courtyards and looking at the ginkgo trees on the mountain, you feel like you are in a masterpiece of a great painter. If it rains, and you hold an oil-paper umbrella and walk on the bluestone paved corridors, I wonder how many poets will be inspired to write poetry for you.

The ginkgo leaves rustle like children clapping their hands in celebration when the wind blows. The leaves that fall down in an instant are like pieces of golden yellow paper painted with colors. They are light and fluttering, swaying to the ground.

The ground is like a golden yellow carpet. If there is a bride and I am the groom, taking wedding photos under this ginkgo tree covered with fallen leaves, I think the bride’s smiling face will be golden yellow! Golden yellow is definitely the color of happiness.

What to Play in Daxu Ancient Town Daxu Ancient Town Travel Guide

Ocean Township is famous for its Ginkgo King. It is said to be a ginkgo tree that is over a thousand years old. Many tourists come here for the Ginkgo King. The trunk is so thick that it cannot be hugged by a person. It is about ten meters high, and the top of the tree is like a canopy, with lush branches and leaves. It is so magnificent that it makes people clap their hands in praise and stare in amazement.

The branches of the Ginkgo King stretch out in the air, as if grabbing something. The hands covered with golden ginkgo leaves are like a qilin’s arm, thick and big. The bright autumn sun shines down from the sky, casting dappled shadows on the ground, dotted with stars, falling on the golden yellow carpet, like a beautiful embellishment.

When I saw it, I was amazed, and inspiration struck me, and I wrote a poem: Autumn paints gold dust, on ginkgo leaves. Its golden yellow color is so beautiful. It is like a girl who has put on makeup, stunning and beautiful! Time passed quickly, it was almost three o’clock in the afternoon, and I had to get on the car back to Daxu Ancient Town. Looking at the golden world outside through the window, I seemed a little reluctant. Autumn made my sadness grow wildly again.

My sadness is not homesickness, but a longing and reluctance for this piece of golden yellow, because I know that everything will disappear, and golden yellow will also disappear. After autumn, golden yellow will melt into the earth, and I will never see that precious and incomparable golden yellow that only comes once a year again, like the twinkling golden stars in the sky.

What to Play in Daxu Ancient Town Daxu Ancient Town Travel Guide

I kept the promise I made before, to leave my mark in Daxu on my way back. I wanted to see for myself the uniqueness and beauty of Daxu Ancient Town.

The car drove on the winding mountain road again. I didn’t have a seat, so I held on to the handrail and swayed back and forth. It was only after an hour that I got off the car at the bus stop in Daxu Ancient Town and walked towards the city gate.

The mottled and ancient city gate, the cliff wall is like the wrinkled skin on an old man’s face, some parts have already peeled off, but this does not affect tourists from admiring the beauty of Daxu Ancient Town.

Jia Pingwa said: Ugliness to the extreme is a kind of beauty. Then can I say that old age to the extreme is also a kind of beauty? I think so. Because the beauty of Daxu Ancient Town lies in its simplicity and old age, showing a worldly and weathered look. The road I walked on was paved with bluestone slabs. On both sides stood wooden structures. Although they could not be called ornate and magnificent, they were already eaves-high and imposing, with a unique antique charm.

Walking in this kind of town, accompanied by the setting sun’s rays, under the glow of a fiery cloud, it felt as if I had traveled back to ancient times. The wonderful feeling that surged in my heart was like the bluestone slabs under my feet, flying away into the distance, echoing in the winding alleys.

I entered a dye shop that had a sign hanging outside that said “Guangchang Cloth Shop”. Inside, it was filled with all kinds of old furniture. There were plaques on the beams that read “Family of Books” and “Poetry and Etiquette Passed Down Through Generations”, which was undoubtedly the house of a well-educated and well-mannered family from a previous dynasty.

In the center of the hall was a set of bronze tables and chairs, all carved with raised dragon patterns. Next to it was a large jade qilin and a pot of red flowers in full bloom. On the left was a rockery potted plant with a skylight, and on the right was a room that looked like a bedroom. It had a very good wooden bed. The wood was painted with vermilion paint and had lifelike ancient paintings carved by a craftsman. The painting showed a man riding a horse going to war.

Under the plaque “Family of Books” was a study, which had a desk and chairs. The desk was filled with pens, ink, paper, inkstones, and a plum blossom in a bamboo tube. Behind it were two lacquered cabinets, which must have been bookcases. There was a scroll hanging on the wall, full of literary spirit. This dye shop was so wealthy! It had so many objects in the house, and the objects were so exquisite and meticulously crafted. It is conceivable that this was the house of a wealthy family. But the ancients have gone, and the objects remain, which cannot but cause people to sigh again and again! The past is like this, it truly does not stop day and night!

After leaving the dye shop, both sides of the bluestone road were filled with vendors selling trinkets. There were ancient books, bamboo flutes, little people, or a few wooden swords. Children who came here would definitely clamor to buy them. I found a picture book of “Spring Palace Pictures” at the ancient book stall. I flipped it open and my face turned red, but I am a big collector of ancient books. I thought to myself, it would be good to buy it and collect it, so that the vendors don’t sell it to children who don’t know what “Spring Palace Pictures” are, lest they be corrupted.

So, I boldly asked the price. Wow, a hundred yuan a book. I immediately walked away, but when I had walked far away, I regretted it and cried out “Oh my, oh my”. After leaving Yongding Gate, I got on the arched bridge, walked through the alley, and arrived at the ferry landing of Daxu Ancient Town. I saw the ferryman carrying tourists on a raft towards the distant water surface filled with the setting sun. The ferryman used a bamboo pole to gently stroke the water surface, causing ripples. The clear water collided with the rocks, splashing up a large amount of water.

At this time, the water surface was sparkling under the setting sun. The ferryman’s back, the receding raft, the stone mountain covered with lush vegetation, and the river flowing with clear and transparent water left a deep impression on my vision and soul, and gave me a beautiful experience. It was as if I was suddenly struck by an electric shock. The sunset was about to set behind the mountain. It shyly bid farewell to people, and I also bid farewell to the beauty of the sunset and Daxu Ancient Town in my own way.

I quickly turned around and walked through the alley again, got on the arched bridge, entered Yongding Gate, and walked out of the city tower.

I took a deep breath at the bus stop, got on the car without looking back, and the car drove out of Daxu quickly. My heart felt heavy, and it could not keep up with me sitting in the car, as if it was left behind, as if it was staying there, floating in that clear landscape, in that place where golden ginkgo leaves fell, in those old alleys and houses, traveling back and forth between Ocean Township and Daxu Ancient Town, pursuing and cherishing.

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