Is it convenient to travel from Tibet to Nepal? What should you pay attention to when traveling from Tibet to Nepal?

Traveling from Tibet to Nepal will bring many situations, each time will bring different excitement and passion, for many tourists, it is still very exciting and thrilling to reach Nepal through the border of Tibet, it is said that after entering Nepal, you need to pass more than 20 checkpoints, each time you need to take out all the items in your suitcase for inspection.

I always wonder if living in such a high house in Tibet will cause altitude sickness…

As the car slowly drove out of Lhasa city, I suddenly felt a sense of reluctance. The sunlight was shining brightly, the white clouds piled up, like the most exquisite and pure blue crystal sky, and the devout people who were accumulating blessings for their next life. I am not good at saying goodbye, especially to a mysterious area that I have been yearning for and finally saw for the first time. I just got to know a little bit about it and had to leave again.

Is it convenient to travel from Tibet to Nepal? What should you pay attention to when traveling from Tibet to Nepal?

It is said that this official journey of one day and one night will have more than 20 checkpoints. Every time you reach a checkpoint, you have to get off the bus and check. Domestically, you swipe your ID card. When you reach Nepal, you have to open your luggage and check it again and again. I have to say that this news made me a little bit discouraged. I specially changed my 26-inch suitcase to Peach Sister’s 20-inch suitcase for this purpose, just to make it easier to check on the way.

At this time, my estimation of the bumpy degree of this long journey was obviously lighter than reality because of my excitement. The little anxiety was quickly thrown to the back of my mind. The vast mountains along the way stretched one after another, like an endless scroll, I don’t know where they will take me. The scenery is monotonous, but I can’t get tired of looking at it. The blue sky and white clouds, the rarest in the bustling city, are all over the place here. Looking up is a good mood.

As the wheels rolled forward, the sounds of the city gradually disappeared and the population gradually thinned. There were 12 people on this trip, most of them were uncles who worked in Jilong Town, including the two driver brothers who were all Sichuan people. Maybe they have walked this road too many times, and they lost their freshness. They started chatting as soon as the journey began, joking with each other in Sichuan dialect. Watching the magnificent scenes outside like a silent movie, frame by frame, this scene is very interesting.

The windows were closed. It was sunny outside, and the strong wind could blow people away. The window glass filtered out the cold wind, leaving only warm sunshine on my body. The fast flashing scenes made people drowsy.

Putting on my headphones, the music and the scenes in front of me are like a movie, the scenery I have been looking forward to since I was a child.

With the swaying of the car, the warm sunshine shines on me. This feeling is too comfortable, making people want to sleep.

Thinking about it, I fell asleep. I dozed off for two hours and was woken up by the driver, who took me to the first rest stop. There were three or four rooms lined up on the side of the road, basically shops, where you could heat water, one yuan per cup, eat instant noodles, etc. The conditions were difficult. The toilets were simple, made of wooden boards, with an open pit, and the species in the pit were extremely rich. I have read many travelogues that focus on the natural toilets in Tibet, which left a deep impression on everyone. Maybe because I had been vaccinated so many times, I didn’t find it unacceptable.

The people on the bus were so bored that they all got off to get some fresh air. Maybe the environment made entertainment monotonous and boring. After I finished my water, I saw them gathered in a circle, watching a few dogs fight in a pack with great interest.

The driver brother finished his water and watched the dog fight for a while before calling us back to the bus. At this time, the sky was starting to get dark, and it was still far from the next stop, so we had to hurry.

The car was roaring past. On the way, we passed a vast stretch of sandy mud flats. Under the scorching sun, the sparkling water was like countless stars, and a layer of dust was hanging in the air, like a fairyland. Small wispy clouds floated in the sky, and they were actually shaped like two little angels. The male angel on the left looked like he was holding a rose, and the female angel on the right stretched out her hand to catch it (you can see this cloud or not, it depends on your imagination~).

The mountains, rivers, and lakes are already beautiful scenery, plus such a loving scene. Is this God’s blessing? So I can see the miracle of angels playing. I should be satisfied.

At nearly eight o’clock, we arrived at the second rest stop, which was more prosperous than the first one. There were dozens of restaurants on both sides of the road. Everyone got off the bus to find a place to eat. Looking at the oil-stained menu on the wall, I didn’t have much desire to eat. Fortunately, I had bought some bread before leaving, so I wasn’t in a hurry.

Coconut didn’t want to eat either, so she ran to the convenience store ten meters away to buy instant noodles. I followed her to see if there were any snacks I could buy to eat on the bus.

We met a little white dog on the way. Its fur was shaggy, its white fur was mixed with dirt, and it looked pitifully as it followed us all the way. We went into the convenience store, and it wanted to follow us, but the boss yelled at it and it stayed outside waiting sadly.

The supermarket on the plateau is just a concrete unfinished house with shelves placed inside, where goods are stacked, it is very simple. It looks like the early days of China’s opening up. There are all kinds of things, at first glance, it seems that there are many kinds of things, but if you look closely, there is nothing I want to eat. However, the posters on the wall are actually BIGBANG posters. I want to ask the boss if he knows who these boys with eyeliner are…

When Coconut brought her instant noodles out, the little white dog followed her back happily. It was almost completely dark, and the biting cold wind made people sway. The boys opened the door for us to enter. Coconut was holding her instant noodles and said she wanted to stay outside to accompany the little white dog. While talking, she picked out some noodles from her bowl and put them on the ground for the little white dog to eat.

Oh, the little white dog was named by Coconut. We didn’t know what it was called, but it seemed to like this name very much.

When we set off again, it was completely dark. We drove for another hour, and the first checkpoint arrived. The driver woke up everyone in the car who were drowsy and asked them to get off with their ID cards to check.

Generally, border checkpoints or places with armed soldiers are not allowed to take pictures, so I only took a picture of a sign.

Getting off the bus, I was blown by the cold wind of the plateau and shivered. I was suddenly wide awake. When we set off again, I couldn’t see the scenery outside clearly. Maybe because I was closer to the sky, even when night fell, the sky didn’t turn completely black, it was still translucent crystal deep blue. Looking up into the distance, I saw countless twinkling stars, both the size and number were more than I had ever seen in my life.

What was especially funny was that in Shigatse, we were stopped by two female traffic police. They first checked the driving licenses of the two drivers, and were about to let them go, but suddenly found that the left front headlight was broken, so they confiscated one of the driver’s licenses and asked them to go and repair the car first before returning to get it. No matter how much everyone pleaded, the female police officer said with a righteous face: “This is for your own good!”

We had no choice but to let one driver get off the bus, and the other driver towed a car full of people to look for repair shops all over Shigatse at ten o’clock at night. We finally found a shop that was still open, some people got off the bus to smoke, some people watched the fun, gathered around the lamp, and fixed it in less than ten minutes. We couldn’t help but laugh. Why didn’t the driver fix it earlier when it was so easy? He had to wait until he was caught red-handed before he started to mend his ways.

I have never seen such a long LED light! After playing in Chinese, it has to be played in Tibetan… I feel like the lamp will be very tired!

I heard that the trip was to drive through the night and would not stop at any inns on the way, so I didn’t have that expectation.

I don’t know if it was because I caught a cold from the night wind or because I didn’t have dinner, or maybe because the altitude was higher, but I had a slight headache again. When I passed the next checkpoint, I looked at my phone under the dim fluorescent light and found that my lips were also a little purple. I had altitude sickness again… With this awareness, the rest of the journey became more difficult. The road was bumpy, and I couldn’t sleep well. I finally fell asleep and then had to get off the bus to swipe my ID card at the checkpoint. The wind was strong at night, and I was blown awake, the cold and heat alternated, my stomach was empty, and I had to endure the discomfort in my stomach, relying on warm rhodiola water to survive.

When I had altitude sickness, sleeping was better than being awake, and I usually fall asleep as soon as I get in the car even when I don’t have altitude sickness. It was already past twelve o’clock.

At one o’clock, I was woken up by the driver’s ringtone. The driver spoke Sichuan dialect, and I understood it roughly: heavy snow blocked the road ahead. Not long after he hung up the phone, the car stopped in front of a hotel in a small town…

Actually! There! is! an! Inn! to! stay! in!!!!

Happiness came too suddenly, and I was still dizzy when I entered the yard (is it because of altitude sickness?).

For the first twenty years of my life, I had never longed for a bed so much. We rushed to the front desk like a gang of bandits. The receptionist was dug up from bed by us, her hair was still messy and sticking up, her eyes were sleepy, and she was registering us. A group of people surrounded the front desk, all hoping to get the key and go to bed early, but they were all attracted by something on the front desk counter –


“Really or not?”

“It’s true, this place was also an ocean millions of years ago!”

“How is that possible, there are no fossils left, they have all been collected…”

“Are these for sale?”

The above are the guesses from everyone’s chatter.

While the boss was busy registering, he couldn’t help but look up and clarify: “Really really, all real… for sale for sale, all for sale…”

Although I was curious, I took a look, but I couldn’t resist the heavy altitude sickness and overwhelming sleepiness. I grabbed the key and went back to sleep.

Although the water pipes were frozen and there was no water, and the toilet was covered with ice, God knows how touched I was to see the thick, soft double duvet. What made me even happier was that there was an electric blanket!

I lay down with great appreciation, looking forward to a good dream.

In fact, this was indeed the most comfortable night of the whole trip. Later, I missed this big bed and electric blanket endlessly.

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