Best routes for visiting Fushan Country Park in Fuzhou

Fushan Country Park in Fuzhou City has 7 entrances. You can choose different routes depending on which entrance you enter. Remember to make an appointment in advance to enter the park. Below, I will recommend the best routes for visiting Fuzhou Country Park. See below for details.

Best routes for visiting Fushan Country Park in Fuzhou

Route recommendations

① Entrance No. 1 of Fukang Square – Jasmine Garden – Prayer Platform – Fuguang Tunnel – Wangfeng Terrace – Baiyu Garden – Entrance No. 2 of Wufeng

② Entrance No. 3 of Baofu Jing – Red Leaf Valley – Fuyuan – Peach Blossom Source – Shouzhuo Corridor – Bujian Bridge – Furong Garden Entrance No. 4

③ Entrance No. 4 of Furong Garden – Fuxiang Terrace – Yinhu Terrace – Fuziping – Fuzhu Garden – Wisteria Flower Rain – Xiling Futang Entrance No. 5

④ Entrance No. 6 of Yijing Jiayuan – Woniutan – Rainbow Path – Feihua Bridge – Fushou Garden – Hongfu Bridge – Xingfu Lin – Xiling Futang Entrance No. 5

Best routes for visiting Fushan Country Park in Fuzhou

Opening hours

Monday to Sunday 6:00-22:00

Ticket price


Travel guide

No matter which entrance you enter from No. 1 to No. 4, you can go to the Peach Blossom Source area, and then choose the exit according to your needs. You can choose any combination of these four entrances. If you don’t have much energy, it is not recommended to take the entrance of Baofu Jing, as there are many steps. If you don’t want to go back the same way, and you need to go back to the starting point, it is recommended to walk clockwise. Be sure to remember that there is a downhill path next to Fuziping, where you can visit the scenic spots in the article.

Best routes for visiting Fushan Country Park in Fuzhou

Introduction of scenic spots

Fushan Country Park is located in the northwest of Fuzhou City. The park contains 15 kilometers of barrier-free asphalt trails that connect Dafushan, Wufengshan and Ketishan.

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