Shenzhen Yantian Seafront Promenade Hiking Guide

Shenzhen Yantian Seafront Promenade is a great place for a leisurely stroll. It is 19.5 kilometers long, with beautiful scenery and many attractions worth checking in along the way. Here is a hiking guide to Shenzhen Yantian Seafront Promenade, let’s go on a trip together!

Route Guide

1. Location: Shenzhen Yantian Seafront Promenade, Seafront Promenade Management Office

2. Transportation: Take Shenzhen Metro or bus to the starting point, navigate to “Yantian Seafood Street” by car, or charter a car to go there.

Shenzhen Yantian Seafront Promenade Hiking Guide

Admission: No admission fee

Hiking Guide

1. Hiking route: Zhongying Street-Shatoujiao-Seafood Street-Dameisha-Xiaomeisha-Beizaijiao, 12-19km.

2. Hiking time: March 5, September-December is better, not too hot or cold, good sunshine, clean seawater

3. Hiking difficulty: The promenade is complete and not difficult, but the distance is long, it takes about 4 hours.

There is a long section of road from Zhongying Street to Seafood Street, if you want to see the sea view, you can start from Seafood Street.

Attractions Guide

Shenzhen Yantian Seafront Promenade Hiking Guide

1. Yantian Seafood Street: Sea wave theme promenade, there are water sports.

2. Zhongying Street Seafront Promenade: There is a 600-meter seafront promenade, you can also go shopping and see ancient towers and trees.

3. Yantian Port: Transportation port, you can take a photo with a dock photo, there is a lighthouse library on the sea side of Yantian.

4. Dameisha Seafront Promenade: Free park, many people need to make an appointment, with the longest beach in Shenzhen, complete sea viewing and water sports facilities.

5. Xiaomeisha Seafront Promenade: 50 yuan ticket, Oriental Hawaii, you can camp on the beach, there are many seafood and an aquarium.

6. Beizaijiao Beach: The seawater is very clear, the beach is very fine, the waves are small, you can go fishing, and you can find many shells.

Photography Guide

① Yantian Port: You can take pictures of the beautiful scenery of the seaside town, as if entering Japan’s Dameisha West Promenade: The reefs are beautiful, suitable for taking landscape photos, and also suitable for taking Japanese-style photos.

② Beizaijiao: You can take pictures of the sunset, and it is also suitable for taking pictures of the seaside, there is a lighthouse.

Travel Guide

Shenzhen Yantian Seafront Promenade Hiking Guide

1. The promenade has a walking path, a cycling path, and a walking path, suitable for a variety of ways to play.

2. Pay attention to sun protection, the ultraviolet rays in Shenzhen are strong around April.

3. Pay attention to hydration, there will also be supplies along the way.

4. There are many places worth taking pictures and keeping souvenirs, you can bring clothes to change and put on beautiful makeup.

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