Does Huashan Mountain have cable cars? Does Huashan Mountain have a glass bridge?

Huashan Mountain has always been a famous mountain, and it has an unparalleled position in the world of martial arts. The “Debate on Huashan Mountain” and the Huashan School are both famous throughout the world. Of course, the scenery of Huashan Mountain is very beautiful, and there are many beautiful scenery waiting for you. Below, I will share with you whether Huashan Mountain has a glass bridge.

Does Huashan Mountain have cable cars?


Does Huashan Mountain have a glass bridge?

Not yet

Does Huashan Mountain have cable cars? Does Huashan Mountain have a glass bridge?

01. The Qinling Mountains stretch for thousands of miles. Because of the Qinling Mountains, there are also north and south. What kind of mountain range can be called the dragon vein of Chinese civilization? The four most famous peaks of the Qinling Mountains: Mount Taibo, Mount Zhongnan, Mount Lishan, and Mount Huashan, each hiding all kinds of legendary stories. Taibo is the high and cold main peak, Lishan is painted with beautiful worldly disputes, hermits seek refuge in Zhongnan, and Huashan is more of a chivalrous spirit and danger in the impression.

02. When I just arrived at the West Peak of Huashan Mountain, I sat in the pavilion on the top of the mountain and rested. Opposite me was a pair of old sisters with white hair. They looked like they were over 70 years old. The two sisters chatted and laughed, their eyes were kind and calm. The dangerous peaks behind them, on the other hand, were as gentle as a background painting. Perhaps their friendship has gone through many years, they have seen each other’s turbulent times, witnessed important moments in each other’s lives, and until they are in their twilight years, they can still be by each other’s side.

Does Huashan Mountain have cable cars? Does Huashan Mountain have a glass bridge?

Perhaps their husbands can no longer accompany them on trips to see mountains and rivers, perhaps their children are too busy with work to accompany them, but in the end, they still have old friends by their side to look back on the roads they have traveled in their youth. Isn’t this a small kind of happiness?

The power of time is sometimes so powerful that people can’t understand it. It changes many people and many things invisibly. Friends who used to know each other may gradually drift apart, but old friends who have gone through long years together are precious.

03. So-called compatible and incompatible auras probably make sense. Everyone has their own unique temperament. Some people you have known for a long time can only be nodding acquaintances, while some people you know right away that you can be good friends with.

When you trust a friend in your heart, your hearts will draw closer. You don’t hesitate to talk about all your trivial matters and troubles, share all the moments in life that touch you.

Probably some people in life are irreplaceable in your heart. Being able to chat is just a natural existence. On the vast and majestic Huashan Mountain, I silently made a wish in my heart. When I am in my twilight years, I can still have my old friends from my youth. Perhaps at that time, we can talk about many past events with tacit understanding.

04. Since ancient times, Huashan Mountain has had only one path. The danger of Huashan Mountain is self-evident. But even in the most dangerous places, there are climbers who are beyond expectations. Perhaps that can be considered a kind of faith.

As I climbed the steps, I met two special climbers who were coming down the stairs after finishing a peak, preparing to turn to another peak. One of them had no legs. He relied on his hands to support the weight of his whole body, moving up one step at a time. The scenic spot staff wearing red armbands and tourists all stopped, marveling and encouraging him while telling him to be careful, be careful.

And he, in return, gave a bright and cheerful smile, with no trace of fear or panic. It was a confident and strong gaze. This must be a person who loves life and respects life deeply. Because of love, because of respect for all the precious things in life, he chose to accept his incomplete body peacefully and live in harmony with it, calmly accepting the suffering of life.

05. Immediately after, a figure whizzed past. It was another special climber.

He had only one leg. He could only jump on one leg to walk up the steps, losing his balance. After jumping over a section of steps, he would stop for a while. The one-legged man and the legless man were partners. They waited for each other and encouraged each other.

Perhaps they are die-hard readers of martial arts novels, perhaps they had made an agreement long ago, or perhaps they just wanted to see the sea of clouds and forests on the highest peak of the Five Sacred Mountains. Huashan Mountain is their sacred place, and climbing Huashan Mountain for them is perhaps an important event in their lives. They long for it so much that they can overcome such great obstacles to climb Huashan Mountain. Nothing is impossible, no matter what kind of life it is, it can be treated with sufficient solemnity.

When I was in shock, they had already gone far. They were very much like the extraordinary heroes in martial arts novels, with extraordinary courage and extraordinary faith. I was shocked by the light of life in them, shocked to the point that I completely forgot their appearance and their clothes. I only remember their bright smiles full of vitality.

06. When I was going down the mountain, a couple and their ten-year-old child were in front of me.

The husband carried his wife’s bag on his back, all the way. The wife turned her head several times to say that she would carry her own bag, but the husband always waved his hand and said with a smile: No, no, I’ll carry the bag.

They were no longer young, and the wife’s eyes were filled with a happy smile. Perhaps this is what is called living together in peace and harmony. No matter how old you are or what kind of situation you face, there is always someone who is willing to accompany you and take care of you. When that love can withstand the triviality of life, it becomes a natural existence in life. It warms each other’s lives in the details, as simple as a stream in the forest, not deliberate or extravagant.

Huashan Mountain is worth visiting.

I imagined the heroic spirit of Huashan Mountain, but I was moved by the unexpected warmth of human life. Looking into the distance at the peaks, the green grows on the rocks. It’s not the emerald green of the southern vegetation, but there is a sense of vastness, a kind of resilience of life under the dryness of the mountains.

The mighty Huashan Mountain, the legends and stories are true or false, the stone books and inscriptions record how many years of heroic spirit. Over the centuries, the footsteps that have come and gone have always been different, but what they leave behind is the warmth of the world under the same moon.

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