Mount Hua Travel Guide: Ticket Prices and Travel Tips

Mount Hua Scenic Area is a very famous tourist attraction in China. Every year, many tourists visit it. So, how do you travel to Mount Hua? Next, we will introduce you to a detailed travel guide to Mount Hua Scenic Area! For details, please see the following.

First, Ticket Prices

Mount Hua Ticket: From March 1st to November 30th, Mount Hua implements peak season ticket prices, with a ticket price of 160 yuan/person. From December 1st to the end of February of the following year, Mount Hua implements off-season ticket prices, with a ticket price of 100 yuan/person.

Mount Hua Travel Guide: Ticket Prices and Travel Tips

Ticket Purchase Notice

1. The scenic spot adopts a real-name system for time-slot reservation ticket purchase. Tourists can make reservations for tickets through the Mount Hua Tourism Service Platform WeChat public account, the Da Huashan Smart Tourism Alipay Life Number,, and other channels. You can reserve up to ten days in advance. When the number of people who make reservations on the day reaches the upper limit, ticket sales will stop immediately.

2. The scenic spot has three upward routes, namely: West Peak cable car up, North Peak cable car up, and Mount Hua Gate hiking. Please purchase the corresponding route ticket type based on your itinerary. The scenic spot implements one-stop sales of tickets, vehicle tickets, and cable car tickets. It is recommended that you purchase a “Combined ticket for gate, vehicle, and cable car”.

3. The scenic spot implements related preferential ticket policies for active military personnel, people with disabilities, and other groups who meet the conditions for preferential policies. You need to make an appointment for special tickets in advance on the official ticket reservation platform and provide relevant documents on the day of your visit to handle preferential tickets at the special ticket handling office in the scenic spot visitor center or at the Mount Hua Gate ticket office.

4. Tourists need to enter the park in an orderly manner at the corresponding route entrance according to the time slot reserved, and shall not enter the park in advance. Late tourists need to make a reservation again or enter the park in vacant time slots under the guidance of scenic spot staff.

Second, Operating Hours

The operating hours for entering the park by cable car on the East and West Lines are 8:00-16:00, and the cable car stops operating at 18:00 on the day. The operating hours for entering the park from Mount Hua Gate (hiking) are 8:00-15:00. The operating hours for the West Peak Temple Scenic Area are 8:00-17:00. The Xianyu Scenic Area is currently not open.

Mount Hua Travel Guide: Ticket Prices and Travel Tips

Third, Transportation Guide

When visiting Mount Hua, you usually first arrive in Xi’an. You can leave Xi’an in the afternoon and arrive at Mount Hua in the evening. When you arrive at the foot of the mountain, there are minibuses or motorcycle taxis (tricycles). The general climbing starts at 23:00 and reaches the East Peak before 5:00 in the morning to watch the sunrise.

To get to Mount Hua by bus from Xi’an, you can take a bus from the East Bus Station (Light Industry Market, 30 yuan, every 30 minutes) or take the Shaanxi Provincial Tourism Bus (Tour Line 1, 22 yuan) from the Xi’an Railway Station Square. You can also take a bus from the Xi’an Railway Station Square Bus Station (about 30 yuan). The distance from Xi’an to Mount Hua is about 120 kilometers, and it takes about 2 hours (including a stop in Lintong for 2 hours and 40 minutes).

Warm reminder: During the epidemic prevention and control period, you need to show the Shaanxi Health Code upon entering Mount Hua. Only green code holders are allowed to enter, yellow code holders are advised to return, and red code holders are isolated. Please apply for the code as soon as possible.

Fourth, Tour Recommendations

Night Climb Mount Hua to Watch the Most Beautiful Sunrise

“Watching the sunrise” is the signature activity at Mount Hua. Now, the sunrise usually occurs between 5:30 and 6:00, but to watch the sunrise, you have to walk at night. If you think climbing Mount Hua at night is more dangerous, then it only proves that you haven’t tried it yet. Leave at ten o’clock at night, and under the cover of darkness, you won’t face Mount Hua directly, but instead forget the hesitation and cowardice of the day and find your own way up the mountain. The thrill of the trek and the excitement of seeing the sunrise will give you a unique feeling.

Mount Hua Travel Guide: Ticket Prices and Travel Tips

Longkong Plank Road:

“Longkong Plank Road” can be said to be the most dangerous path on Mount Hua. It is like a strange fairy’s rope embedded in the cliff of the South Peak. Li Panlong, one of the “Seven Sons of the Later Period” in the Ming Dynasty, wrote in his “Record of Mount Taihua”: “Going west from the South Heaven Gate is the plank road. Although the plank road has copper pillars and iron ropes as protection, it is only a foot wide. It takes twenty or thirty steps to reach the end. Below, it folds into a well, about three meters high, and then there is a plank road again…” When you are in it, you feel that your back is empty, your feet are floating, your hair stands on end, your breath is closed, the cold wind blows through your crotch, your bones are loose, your muscles are tense, the bold ones feel like they are about to fly, while the timid ones are worried about being close to the gate of hell. Over the years, “Longkong Plank Road” has called upon heroes from all over the world with its unique adventurous charm, challenging them to test their skills and experience the thrilling and exciting feeling of a heroic life.

Yazi Turning Over:

“Yazi Turning Over” is located on the East Peak of Mount Hua and is a dangerous path that leads to the famous scenic spot of Mount Hua – the place where Zhao Kuangyin, the founding emperor of the Song Dynasty, and Chen Tuan, the Taoist master, played a game. The road is carved on the overhanging cliff. You can only see cold iron ropes and purple mist swirling around, with the clouds pouring down, and eagles and hawks crying out. The surrounding scenery is beautiful, but it is difficult to find the way. Tourists who arrive here must face the wall, pull the ropes, stretch out their feet to find the stone cavities, and go down alternately. As long as tourists reach the East Peak, they will definitely come here to take a look and try it out, but most tourists can only sigh at the danger and hesitate in front of it. Only a few bold ones can stand their hair on end, close their eyes, pull the ropes, and go down, winning the admiration of those around them. Therefore, the Yazi Turning Over dangerous path is always the most popular place, and the tourists’ expression of being afraid of the danger but unwilling to give up, forms a strange picture – a human emotion that can only be fully displayed in front of this dangerous path.

Extreme Challenge Climbing Tour:

If you want to challenge the limits of climbing Mount Hua, you have to choose the Huashany Valley, the “Since Ancient Times, There Has Been Only One Path Up Mount Hua” from the West Gate to go up the mountain. You can not only visit the ancient path with rich Taoist cultural heritage, but also experience the fun of challenging extreme climbing when climbing the North Peak, such as “Qianchi Chuang”, “Bai Chi Xia”, and “Laojun Li Gou”.

Qianchi Chuang: “Qianchi Chuang” is located on the “Hui Xin Shi” (Return Heart Stone) on the Huashany Valley ancient path, and it is a must-pass path when climbing the main peak from Huashany Valley. This was originally a rift in the cliff, standing straight at 70 degrees. Later, people carved a path along the rift, with 370 stone steps, each step only wide enough for half a foot. When tourists climb up, they look up at a narrow strip of sky, and look down as if they are standing at the edge of a deep well.

Bai Chi Xia: “Bai Chi Xia” is located above “Qianchi Chuang”, also a dangerous rock rift path, with 91 stone steps. Tourists must pull the rope to climb up. There is a poem that says: “After the Chuang, there is another Xia, the danger of heaven cannot be looked at for a moment. Although it is called Bai Chi Xia, one foot is a thousand ren (a Chinese unit of measurement)”.

Laojun Li Gou: “Laojun Li Gou” refers to the trough-shaped dangerous path from Qunxian Guan (Group Immortal Temple) to Husun Chou (Monkey Worry) on Bai Chi Xia. In the old days, because the path was on steep, straight rock, with no stone steps or iron ropes, travelers had to bend over, using both hands and feet to climb up to the North Peak. Therefore, there is a local saying: “Qianchi Chuang, Bai Chi Xia, Laojun Li Gou climb up”.

The name “Laojun Li Gou” comes from a beautiful legend. It is said that in ancient times, the Jade Emperor rode his green ox and passed by Mount Hua. Seeing the workers who were building the mountain and carving the path, he was moved by their hard work. So, he took off the Ruyi (a wish-granting scepter) he was carrying and turned it into a plowshare. He drove the ox and used the plow to open up this path.

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