How much is the ticket for Beijing Grand View Garden? Is it fun to visit?

Beijing Grand View Garden is a complete imitation of the novel “Dream of the Red Chamber”. It is an authentic red chamber experience with beautiful scenery and a strong humanistic atmosphere. Here is a travel guide to Beijing Grand View Garden.

When I saw the mountain named after Er Da Shan Ren (the Eight Eccentrics of Yangzhou) during the Chongzhen era, I wanted to go to Qingyunpu immediately. After reading the post about “Peach Blossom Spring” and Wei Rulan’s archery in the garden, I wanted to go to Youyang immediately. In the end, I didn’t go, haha.

After reading the first two paragraphs, I would feel a little sorry for our second brother if I didn’t go and see it for myself.

Moreover, I can visit our second brother’s Grand View Garden while I am at it. Wouldn’t that be killing two birds with one stone? Haha.

How much is the ticket for Beijing Grand View Garden? Is it fun to visit?

Yu Wang Stele

How much is the ticket for Beijing Grand View Garden? Is it fun to visit?

Shu Ju Lian Gong

Coming out of the Grand View Garden, (By the way, Mu Fu suspected that the location of the Xiaoxiang Pavilion was changed by today’s people to Fushanfang for office use, tourists are not allowed to enter, so Mu Fu lost interest. I will talk about the layout of the Grand View Garden in detail next time) Mu Fu was a little dizzy. Also, it was just turning from cloudy to sunny, it must be the summer solstice, right? Gritting my teeth, I hailed a taxi and went directly to my destination in the countryside.

Reciting 3,000 volumes of scriptures, a single sentence from Caoxi perished. Caoxi refers to the Sixth Patriarch Huineng. It is generally believed that Caoxi is located in Guangdong today.

Buddhist scriptures talk about Zen, while our second brother’s Zen talks about the first draft of “Dream of the Red Chamber”.

The hiding place of the first draft of “Dream of the Red Chamber”.

When I arrived at my destination, I realized something was wrong before I even got out of the car. It was not that I had found the wrong place, but that this place was different from what I imagined.

There were no cliffs here.

Mu Fu’s judgment was off. The hidden tracks of the birds in the void, the wind whistling through the trees, were very realistic.

The sound of the birds was a little strange, loud and dense.

From time to time, large chunks of bird droppings fell from the sky. The sound of pia, pia when they landed on the ground was as loud as the sound of flapping wings.

A monk sweeping the floor, two women chatting, seemed very static amidst the noisy birdsong.

The three statues of I (Buddha) in the center of the Great Hall were not yet painted. When Mu Fu stood still and worshiped me, I suddenly felt the sacredness of this place.

And, the ancient relics were gone.

Mu Fu looked up at the top of the seven-tiered floating tower for a while, then looked down and sighed.

Looking at the lake surrounding the mountain, Mu Fu suddenly remembered a line of poetry by our second brother:

Occupying the first niche in the mountain, the windows face the clouds and mists.

This was also the Nanshan that our second brother often mentioned.

The top of the tower was where our second brother was lying high on the peak of Nanshan, as mentioned by Sister Zhiyan Zhai.

The sun was a bit harsh. The umbrella I had prepared for rain was just right for sunshade, haha. The heat reflected from the newly paved concrete road still made me feel parched.

My phone was dead, and I felt like our second brother, the Empty Taoist.

Yu (God) stele on the peak of Mount E’mei, the characters are green stone and red, with a unique shape.

Tang, Han Yu.

A small store, mineral water, sigh.

The enthusiastic villagers told me that the bus to the town would arrive in an hour, and the stop was on the horizontal road ahead.

Standing at the bus stop, I had only been out for a couple of days, but I felt a little homesick. Not far away, two elementary school students came riding bicycles.

The older one, I wanted to greet him when he passed by. He probably had received modern education, like don’t talk to strangers or something like that.

The younger one hesitated for a moment, and his bike had a back seat. I said quickly, “Going to town? I’m tired, I’ll take you.”

The left pedal of his bike was missing some balls in the bearings, and it didn’t feel very smooth when he stepped on it. After getting on the bike, I didn’t feel as slow as I thought.

I introduced myself to them, saying that I came from another place to do archaeology, and asked them if they knew about the Ming Dynasty. The older one said he did, but when he spoke Mandarin, he sounded very strained. I asked them, “Don’t you speak Mandarin at school?” He answered in dialect, and I couldn’t tell from his answer if he was affirming or denying it.

Speaking of Mandarin, actually their pronunciation is the authentic (ancient) pronunciation, I feel ashamed.

When we reached the area near their school, I asked them each to pick an ice cream. The one who lent me his bike seemed a little embarrassed, but the older one took it for granted and explained the situation to a female classmate who was just coming towards them. I could actually understand his dialect at that time.

I arrived at the train station, and after waiting in line for a long time, I learned that there were no trains for that day, only the next day at 7:00 AM.

After buying a ticket, I realized my priority was to charge my phone and let my family know I was safe. But I couldn’t find a hotel near the station, and I didn’t want to go back to the city (Mu Fu is used to sleeping and waking up late, afraid of missing the train).

… I walked around and came back to the station, and finally found a burger shop in the basement where I could charge my phone. This shows that Mu Fu is truly a caveman. Or maybe the world has just developed too fast? Sigh…

Red furnace golden bullets, smash the Jiali (a kind of Buddhist temple) iron mask.

After turning on my phone, I found there were convenient hotels nearby, the closest one was only 1 kilometer away. I estimated that the battery in my navigation was enough, so I followed the directions and set off to the hotel on foot.

After turning a lot of corners, my legs were already numb, I don’t know what measurement unit they used. But the destination on my navigation did not have any hotel signs, only ordinary houses.

I turned around and walked back. Mu Fu could only work his legs a little harder. I would go back to the station and spend the night there.

My phone died again. A middle-aged woman next to me rode an electric bike and kept asking, “Stay in a hotel? Stay in a hotel? This one? That one?” I was determined to keep walking, even if it meant sacrificing myself, and I didn’t answer her.

On the way back to the train station, I noticed that there weren’t many cars on the wide road, nor many people. Occasionally there was one or two electric bikes passing by.

My leg muscles were clearly a little tight. Another electric bike came up behind me, driven by an elderly woman. In Mu Fu’s impression, she seemed too old to be driving an electric bike.

Mu Fu didn’t know whether to worry about her safety or her hard work, but her car stopped beside me: “Looking for a hotel?”

Either my leg muscles were playing tricks on me, or out of sympathy for her age, Mu Fu, contrary to my previous attitude towards the middle-aged woman, answered her: “There are no regular hotels nearby, right?”

The old lady looked very sincere: “There are no regular hotels at all in the area around the train station.”

I asked her, “The train station has been open for a few years, why haven’t the supporting services kept up?”

She said, “Three years now. You know how the Communist Party does things, they always start with a bang and end with a whimper.” Her choice of words surprised me a little.

I sat in the back of her car, and she started chatting. Her child works in a different city, and the house is empty anyway. She doesn’t know how to use computers, unlike other people who can make advertisements on computers.

“Do you need WiFi?”

I didn’t answer her.

“You know WiFi, right? My grandson set it up. If you need it, I’ll turn it on for you.”

She took a slightly different route than I took when I came here, and we arrived at our destination, which was exactly the place I navigated to before.

I couldn’t help but laugh. Getting on a pirate ship, whatever. No more fussing around.

Shou Shan said to the crowd, “The first sentence is recommended, you are the disciple of the Buddha; the second sentence is recommended, you are the disciple of human beings and heavens; the third sentence is recommended, you cannot save yourself.” The monk asked, “Which sentence did the monk recommend?” Shan said, “The moon falls through the city at three in the morning.”

After she took the money, she said, “Tomorrow I will have my husband drive you. ” Then she left.

The simple bathroom, no towels, let alone bath towels. I checked my pockets for my ID and tickets, a little cash, then pulled up my pants and rinsed myself quickly in the cold water in the bathroom. I went back to the bedroom, fell on the bed, and turned over. The bed creaked.

A longhorn beetle was slowly crawling on the windowsill, which brought back a touch of childhood memories.

Today I met a real-life version of Liu Laolao (a character from “Dream of the Red Chamber”). I thought, if I can take a nap, I will immediately walk to the train station after I wake up.

Everyone has this experience: the more you want to fall asleep quickly, the harder it is to fall asleep.

Another guest arrived, and I became worried about one thing: the bathroom was shared. My stomach is terrible, especially when I am traveling. What if I need to use it when they are in there?

It felt stuffy, and when I turned on the air conditioner, the water droplets sprayed directly onto my face. The temperature could not be adjusted up or down. There was only one button, 26°C. Is it just me, am I really getting old? There are still air conditioners like this?

I used many scientific methods to try to fall asleep, but none of them worked. I had to tell myself that my thighs were the ones working today, my brain was not doing much. Even if I couldn’t sleep, lying down would still give my body a rest.

When I was near Qingyunpu, I chatted with the taxi driver about the Eight Eccentrics of Yangzhou. While waiting for Qingyunpu to open, I chatted with a visitor from Tianjin for a while. Next to the scroll painting of “Peach Blossom Spring”, I mentioned the Eight Eccentrics of Yangzhou, Cao Xueqin, and Chongzhen to some tourists. They seemed to listen with great interest. Why didn’t I tell them about “Individual Mountain Small Portrait” at the time?

It was almost the middle of the night, and I set the alarm for 5:38 AM. Who could I expect to be like Xue Baochai, sent by Liu Laolao, to wake me up?

Speaking of “Individual Mountain Small Portrait”, I suddenly remembered the four words I saw for the first time today, “Shu Ju Lian Gong”. As everyone knows, Mu Fu generally ignores the interpretations of so-called experts, including their interpretation of the “Shu” in “Shu Ju He Chao” here.

Actually, the “Shu” used here has nothing to do with the “Shu” for grain. It refers to a thatched hut that leaks. I don’t know if there was such a usage among the ancients. If not, then it was invented by our second brother. Believe it or not, up to you.

After understanding “Shu”, I couldn’t remember what else I was thinking about, which means I fell asleep. I guess it must have been after 3:00 AM.

A knock on the door woke me up. I picked up my phone and saw that it was 5:42 AM. The alarm had already gone off once but didn’t wake me up.

I suddenly felt like Zhuang Zhou when he found the axe and then looked at the neighbor’s child. I also felt a sense of guilt toward the old lady.

Hanzhan asked Shida: If there are people in the world who slander me, deceive me, insult me, laugh at me, despise me, treat me as lowly, and cheat me, how should I deal with it?

Shida said: Endure them, let them be, avoid them, let them go, tolerate them, respect them, ignore them. In a few years, you will see what becomes of them.

It was raining outside. Her husband looked younger than her. I sat in the back of his car, holding the umbrella for him.

One umbrella couldn’t block all the rain, but my mood was much better than last night. After all, everyone is going through their own difficulties.

I leaned forward and whispered into his ear, “Your house is land expropriation compensation, right?”

“Yes”, his answer was simple.

Last night, they didn’t stay in the same suite as us. I thought, they must have more than one room. So I asked another question, “How many sets did your family get compensated?”

“20 sets”, I was sure I had heard wrong. I repeated the question.

“20 sets”, this time he tried his best to pronounce Mandarin as standard as possible, “Big and small apartments, a total of 2,000 square meters.”

…I couldn’t understand it at all. A few years ago, my hometown (also in Zhejiang) was expropriated, and the compensation was 24,000 yuan per mu (about 1/6 of an acre) for the land. That was fertile land that had been cultivated since the Sui Dynasty! No other compensation, the farmers had to fend for themselves. The “development” zone later had a driving school, a large warehouse for online sales companies, etc.

“If you sell it, how much can you sell it for per square meter now?”

“5,000” .

Ten million yuan! What will he do with so much money? Why is there no look of happiness or peace on his face? Who will end up with this money after a few transfers? Why are they still working so hard? Is it the Chinese virtue of hard work at play?

I was still thinking to myself when he said, “We’re here.”

I said, “Drive slowly with the umbrella.”

Today’s Ruzui River, Ruzhou, is located in Henan today.

As mentioned earlier, Mu Fu was surprised by the old lady’s use of language. First, because she used the idiom “start with a bang and end with a whimper”, and second, because of her evaluation of the Communist Party.

At the same time, her words touched a sore spot in Mu Fu’s heart. Mu Fu has always done things with a beginning but no end, and the same is true of the words he writes. Haha + sigh.

Wang Ziyou lived in Shan Yin. It snowed heavily at night. He woke up from sleep and opened his room. He ordered wine to be served. The four sides were bright and clear. He got up and wandered around, reciting Zuo Si’s “Invitation to Seclusion”, and suddenly remembered Dai An Dao. At that time, Dai was in Shan, so he immediately went there at night by boat. He arrived the next morning, but stopped at the door without going in and returned. People asked him why. Wang said, “I came out on a whim, and my whim is gone, so why should I see Dai?”

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