Best Self-Driving Tour Routes in Beijing in Spring

Now is the perfect time for a self-driving tour. There are many places in Beijing that are perfect for spring flower viewing. Next, we will recommend some of the best flower viewing self-driving tour routes. Come and check them out!

1、Mentougou Miaofeng Mountain Road

The legendary road for road bikes

Miaofeng Mountain Road starts at the 109 National Highway (“Miaofeng Mountain Golden Summit” archway), and heads north through Danli Village, Taoyuan Village, Nan Zhuang Village, Cherry Creek Village, and Jian Gou Village, ending at the Miaofeng Mountain Imperial Hui Ji Temple. This road is 20.43 kilometers long.

Along the way, Miaofeng Mountain Road boasts changing scenery, with natural landscapes such as Di Shui Yan, Yangshan, and the Camel Rock, as well as cultural landmarks such as the Miaofeng Mountain Incense Fair Museum, the Bixia Yuanjun Temple (Niangniang Temple), the Liao Dynasty royal temple Yangshan Qiyin Temple, and the villa of the last emperor Puyi’s English teacher, John Lattimore. At the same time, this road also retains the traditional folk customs of the incense road. This road is full of incense pilgrims all year round, and folk flower fairs are held in turn, continuing to inherit and display its unique historical and cultural characteristics.

2、Huairou District La Ni Road

Manchu style in the birch forest

La Ni Road is located in the La Bagou Men Manchu Township within Huairou District. It is 13.2 kilometers long, starting from the III National Highway next to the La Bagou Men Manchu Township government in the east and extending west to Baoshan Town and the Luan Chi Road, passing through the La Bagou Men Primitive Secondary Forest Scenic Area and the Xia Liang Gong west of Huang Dianzi Village. There are 12 scenic parking lots, 3 viewing platforms and 2 rest stops along the way.

The straight and slender birch forest is like walking into a Russian oil painting. In spring, the peonies blooming all over the mountains come at you, beautiful beyond compare. At the viewing points on La Ni Road, you can feel the unique charm of the La Bagou Men Nature Reserve. Passing by the statue of Hong Taiji at the entrance of the Manchu Township, it is as if you have returned to the era when the Qing Dynasty unified the world.

Best Self-Driving Tour Routes in Beijing in Spring

3、Daxing District Zuo Ti Road

Pear blossom fragrance by the pear blossom village

Zuo Ti Road starts north at the Lugou Bridge, follows the Yongding River downwards, and passes through Huangcun, Beizangcun, Panggezhuang, and Yulizhuang, four towns, with a total length of 62.8 kilometers. It is one of the “eight vertical” roads of the eight vertical and eight horizontal roads within Daxing District. It passes through the most beautiful village, “Lihua Village,” where, when the pear blossoms are in bloom, the century-old pear trees bloom together, and thousands of pear blossoms are as white as snow, which is very beautiful.

4、Yanqing County Luan Chi Road

Scenery along the line is like a painting

Yanqing Luan Chi Road crosses the most beautiful part of the Hundred-Mile Water Painting Gallery, with scenic views along the way, which is very pleasant. It connects famous tourist attractions such as the Wulong Gorge and the Petrified Wood, and at the same time has made the Qianjiadian Township village tourism popular.

Originally, the World Geopark dinosaur footprint fossils were located on the original planned section of Luan Chi Road. In order to protect the dinosaur fossils, Luan Chi Road was specially diverted. 11 viewing platforms were specially built for the convenience of tourists, which not only protected the fossils, but also allowed tourists to feel as if they were walking into the dinosaur world.

Best Self-Driving Tour Routes in Beijing in Spring

5、Changping Huanling Road

History on the left, beautiful scenery on the right

Huanling Road, as its name suggests, is named after its surrounding connection of the 13 Ming Dynasty imperial tombs. It is 42 kilometers long and connected to the 110 National Highway, Changchi Road, and Huaichang Road. It is a cycling holy land for many cycling enthusiasts and has hosted several world-class cycling competitions.

Huanling Road is not only an important artery for entering and exiting the Thirteen Tombs, but also connects the Mangshan Forest Park, Gouya Natural Scenic Area, and the Thirteen Tombs Reservoir, among other tourist attractions. The Thirteen Tombs Reservoir preserves the Ming Dynasty Thirteen Tombs Ancient Bridge Group, which includes 33 ancient bridges and 1 ancient bridge site, among which the North Five-Hole Bridge, the South Five-Hole Bridge, and the Seven-Hole Bridge are the most famous. If you want to experience and reminisce about the dusty and ups and downs of the Ming Dynasty, then come to Huanling Road and take a detour, you won’t be wrong.

6、Fangshan Liushi Road

A quiet road among towering mountains

Liushi Road starts south at the Liubai Village on the Fangshan Laibao Road and extends north to the G108 National Highway in Shibantai Village, with a total length of about 30 kilometers, and is a Class III mountainous road.

Liushi Road is like a blue ribbon connecting the beautiful scenery bestowed by nature between Beixia Yunling and Shidu, as well as the small villages half-hidden in the trees on the slopes of the mountains. The winding mountain road brings endless fun to self-driving enthusiasts, Harley and Ducati speed lovers.

7、Tongzhou Beiyun River New Embankment Road

A green corridor along the ancient canal

The New Embankment Road runs almost along the Grand Canal. It starts from the Sixth Ring Road crossing the Beiyun River bridge and ends at the Wu Xing auxiliary road, with a total length of 8.4 kilometers. The part of the road that is closer to the canal is mostly paved with plastic, which is especially suitable for cycling. It is the green road cycling route closest to Beijing city, with a green coverage rate of 80%.

The cycling path of the Beiyun River New Embankment Road runs almost side by side with the road along the Grand Canal, and there is a small passage connecting the two every few steps. If you feel there are too many cyclists, you can go for a walk along the canal.

Best Self-Driving Tour Routes in Beijing in Spring

8、Pinggu District Xiong Nan Road

A magical road in the Peach Blossom Valley

Xiong Nan Road in Pinggu District, one of the ten most beautiful rural roads in Beijing, is a narrow, rugged, winding mountain road. Along the way, the trees are lush, the air is fresh; every April when the peach blossoms are in full bloom is the best time to visit. Where the peach blossoms bloom is the most beautiful place in Beijing in spring!

Xiong Nan Road starts at Xiong’erzhai and ends at Nan Du Le He Town. It passes by the Huayu Reservoir and the Sizalou Scenic Area. It is a rugged mountain road with beautiful scenery, especially in the summer, because Sizalou is the highest peak in Pinggu District, so it is very cool.

9、Miyun Xiao Er Road

A “water painting gallery” in Miyun

Xiao Er Road is located in Xinchengzi Town, Miyun County, with a total length of 8.8 kilometers. It connects many scenic spots such as the Wuling West Peak and the Guan Di Temple. It is surrounded by mountains and waters, and its beautiful scenery changes with the seasons, making it the “water painting gallery” of Miyun.

The Yaqiao Yu Reservoir and the Xiao Er Road S bend mentioned above are all incredibly beautiful scenery that can be captured with a casual shot.

10、Shunyi District Baima Road

Olympic Avenue along the Chao Bai River

Baima Road starts west at the boundary between Shunyi District and Changping District and ends east at the boundary between Shunyi District and Pinggu District, with a total length of 40.873 kilometers. During the Olympic Games, it was the Olympic road and expressway connecting the Beijing Olympic Center Area and the Shunyi Olympic Water Sports Park. Along the way, there are scenic spots such as the Beijing International Flower Port and the Shunyi Olympic Water Sports Park. When spring arrives, it is the best choice to go to the International Flower Port to see the flowers. With a wide variety of flowers and a huge area, the spring atmosphere comes at you.

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