Is Badaling Great Wall closed? When will Badaling Great Wall open?

Badaling Great Wall is a very important attraction in Beijing. It is a must-see for tourists. The saying “He who has not been to the Great Wall is not a true man” has made Chinese men eager to visit the Great Wall and experience the charm of this Great Wall. Below is a list of notifications about the closure of Badaling Great Wall.

I. Latest news

Currently open. It has been open for a long time, but now online booking plus real-name registration is required for ticket purchase. Therefore, you must book tickets online in advance if you want to go there.

Is Badaling Great Wall closed? When will Badaling Great Wall open?II. Opening hours

Since August 2, 2021, it is open from 6:30 to 16:30 every day.

III. Scope of opening

Currently, only the North Eight Lou to the South Seven Lou and a half of Badaling Great Wall are open, and tourists are required to follow the designated route after arriving at the scene.

Is Badaling Great Wall closed? When will Badaling Great Wall open? IV. Ticket purchasing method

Tourists can book tickets in real name by paying attention to the official WeChat public account of “Badaling Great Wall”, “Great Wall Inside and Outside Tourism” WeChat public account, logging in to the official website of Badaling Great Wall Scenic Area or logging in to the “Great Wall Inside and Outside” online ticketing system. To ensure the health and safety of tourists, the scenic area will control the flow of people according to 60% of the optimal carrying capacity, and will make appointments in two time periods every day: 6:30-12:30 and 12:30-16:30. The morning time period is from 6:30 to 12:30, and the number of people who can make an appointment for a visit is 23400; the afternoon time period is from 12:31 to 16:30, and the number of people who can make an appointment for a visit is 15600.

V. Tour Notes

(1) Before tourists arrive at the scenic area, they should book tickets in real name through the Internet. Please bring your ID card and apply for a “Health Code” through the “Beijing Health Treasure” mini program in advance.

(2) After tourists arrive at the scenic area, they should actively present their “Health Code”, pass the body temperature test, and swipe their ID card to enter the park.

(3) Tourists should wear masks throughout the tour, consciously cooperate with the guidance and management of scenic staff, strictly prohibit gatherings, and maintain a distance of more than 1 meter.

(4) Badaling Great Wall Scenic Area is a national key cultural relic protection unit and a first-level forest fire prevention area. It is strictly prohibited to carry fire sources into the scenic area. It is prohibited to smoke, set off fireworks, release sky lanterns or other behaviors that may cause forest fires in the scenic area. Violators will be investigated for legal liability.

(5) Protect cultural relics, and it is strictly forbidden to scribble or carve on the city platform, wall platform and public facilities. It is strictly forbidden to climb the city wall, fence, city tower and other buildings.

Is Badaling Great Wall closed? When will Badaling Great Wall open? VI. Preferential policy

Tourists who are entitled to free tickets, such as medical workers and military personnel, must also make online reservations, and after verifying valid documents and presenting “Health Code” on site, swipe their ID card to enter the park.

Please spread the word to all tourists. Tourism consultation hotline: 010-69118002, 010-61118003, 010-69121474. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. Badaling Great Wall Scenic Area looks forward to your arrival!

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