Best Place to Watch Sunrise in Beidaihe Pigeon Nest

Beidaihe Pigeon Nest Park is the best place to watch the sunrise, a famous park in Beidaihe area. The best place to watch the sunrise is to climb the Bathing Sun Pavilion. There are many shallow beaches here, the sand is very fine, very suitable for playing. So how to play in Beidaihe Pigeon Nest?

1、 Travel Guide

Pigeon Nest Park, also known as Eagle Horn Park, is located in the northeast corner of Beidaihe Beach, one of the famous attractions in Beidaihe. The park has a great view of the sea. Watching the sunrise here is an activity that most tourists who come to Beidaihe cannot miss. During the bird migration season in spring and autumn every year, it is also a paradise for photographers to watch birds and take pictures.

Best Place to Watch Sunrise in Beidaihe Pigeon Nest

Pigeon Nest Park is not large, it is a small park about 500 meters long and 200 meters wide along the beach. There are about one mountain, one lake and one beach in the park. The mountain refers to the charming cliff mountain Eagle Horn Stone by the sea, the lake refers to the Mandarin Duck Lake in the center of the park, and the beach is the sandy beach wetland along the coast. In addition, there are artificial buildings such as the sea viewing corridor, Eagle Horn Pavilion, and sculptures. It is recommended to walk around the park to visit all of them, about 2-3 hours. There are some simple amusement projects around the lake in the park, you can go boating on the lake, interested tourists can go to experience.

2、 Sunrise Viewing Guide

When playing in Pigeon Nest Park, the must-experience activity is watching the sunrise. This is one of the top ten sunrise viewing spots in the country. Pigeon Nest Park faces the vast Bohai Sea, with a wide view. In the early morning, a red sun rises from the sea, also known as “bathing in the sun”, which is very spectacular. However, beautiful sunrises are not seen every day. Rainy days or fog on the sea in the early morning will affect the sunrise. Generally speaking, the probability of seeing a beautiful sunrise in September is higher. The place to watch the sunrise is on the Eagle Horn Stone. This place is higher, and the view is more open.

Best Place to Watch Sunrise in Beidaihe Pigeon Nest

In terms of daytime play, summer is a more suitable season. At this time, the seawater is cool and very comfortable. Although the beach mud in the park cannot be used for swimming in the sea, it is still very good to step on the sand barefoot and feel the cool seawater. Many tourists will catch small crabs in the beach mud here, which is very interesting. Spring and autumn are birdwatching seasons, about every year from March to May and September to November, there are many birds, it is also very good to come and take pictures. In other seasons, there will be hundreds of pigeons raised in the park for tourists to take pictures, but the scenery will be more general. Playing in winter is colder, there is less to play on the beach, mainly watching the sunrise, but be sure to prepare warm clothes.

3、 Travel Tips

Tour time: 2-3 hours

Best Place to Watch Sunrise in Beidaihe Pigeon Nest

Transportation: Take Bus 37 Summer, Tourism Route 1, get off at Pigeon Nest Park Station.

Features: One of the most famous scenic spots in Beidaihe, Chairman Mao once looked far into the distance from the park and wrote the immortal poem “Langtaosha•Beidaihe”. The park faces the vast Bohai Sea, with a wide view, mainly divided into three parts: one mountain, one lake and one beach.

Main Attractions: Eagle Horn Stone, Sea Viewing Corridor, Mandarin Duck Lake, Chairman Mao Statue, Pigeon Nest Big Tidal Flat, etc.

Activities: This is the best place to watch the sunrise in Beidaihe, where you can watch the spectacular sunrise at sea. Every spring and autumn, a large number of migratory birds rest here, which is also a paradise for birdwatching and photography.

Travel Tips: The probability of seeing a beautiful sunrise in September is higher. The best place to watch the sunrise is on the Eagle Horn Stone.

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